Board of Education Meeting 9/28/2010

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Board of Education Meeting 9/28/2010 von Mind Map: Board of Education Meeting 9/28/2010

1. Issues Facing Board

1.1. OCPS Purchase of Digital Interactive Whiteboards, aka "Smart Boards, Promethium Boards"

1.1.1. Purchase of Smart Boards required new vote to approve as the cost estimate increased. Vicky Bell raised concern over purchase of boards... points out that boards represent an unnecessary expense for a district that is trying to cut costs and maintain a more fiscally austere budget Ms. Bell is clearly in the minority in her opinions of purchasing these boards. Board Members Nancy Robbinson, Daryl Flynn,Judge "Rick" Roach, and Kathleen "Kat" Gordon all expressed comments in support of the boards. Members Nancy Robbinson, Daryl Flynn,Judge "Rick" Roach, and Kathleen "Kat" Gordon all expressed comments in support of the boards. Ms. Gordon commented that the latest educational technology has been proven to advance the slower learner and take the gifted student to an even higher level.

1.1.2. The cost increase was attributed to rising demand for Smart Boards throughout school districts

1.2. OCPS Purchase of Smart Pens at a cost of $300,000 to the District

1.2.1. Superintendent Blocker spoke in support of the District's purchase of Smart Pens; stated that this technological tool was beneficial for creating better efficiency. A vote to approve purchase of the pens was made and seconded for approval. The purchase of these types of technologies, Smart Boards and Smart Pens present difficult challenges for districts; the cost of such technologies are significant, however, are the benefits gained worth the financial strain that they impose?

1.2.2. Vicky Bell Moved to discuss & reject the purchase of pens. No other Board Member seconded her motion. Raising concerns over the cost of such technology, Ms. Bell was the sole dissenting board member in a 6-1 vote approving the $300,000 purchase of Smart pens

2. Board Agenda

2.1. Moment of Silence

2.1.1. Pamela Sanders

2.2. Pledge of Allegiance

2.2.1. Pamela Sanders

2.3. Committee Reports

2.4. Board Recognition

2.4.1. Board recognized principal & staff of the Avalon Elementary School Principal Pamela Sanders & Avalon elementary school were named a National Blue Ribbon School – commended by Secretary of Ed Arnie Duncan The National Blue Ribbon Award honors schools where students attain and maintain high academic goals, including those that beat the odds. M. Darly Flyn, Vicechairman of Board commented "The pace of the pack is determined by the pace of the leader"

2.5. Awards of the School District

2.5.1. OCPS District award Winner- 9th years consecutively Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting Certificate of Achievement for Excellence

2.6. Review Consent Agenda

2.6.1. Changes to the agenda addressed

2.6.2. Those wishing to address consent agenda- must fill out a yellow slip.

2.6.3. 1st Speaker: Mr. Humphrey “We will need to work together so that employees are compensated now.” It is time to show professionals how much you value them.

2.6.4. 2nd Speaker- Joel Kelley 19.04 Tri-party agreement- Approved (1-no) Will move forward with school. New School approved.

2.7. Non-consent items

2.7.1. Audiovisual Equipment (Smart Boards acquisition, Installation & training.

2.8. Point of Personal Privilege

2.8.1. Golf Tournament- raised $135,000 & over 150,000 in teacher grants.

2.9. Newly Appointed Administrators

2.9.1. None

2.10. Board Highlights

2.10.1. South Lake Football Game received the "sportsmanship Award.

2.10.2. 4.02 Walk to School Pledges- Thanks Dr. Moody

2.10.3. Student government Association for Timberlake High School. The board member was impressed by the students.

2.11. Agenda Consent Items

2.12. Report of the Attorney

2.12.1. The attorneys reported on a personnel issue. The superintendent and the board of education have different representation regarding the issue.

3. Key Factors that influence Board Behavior

3.1. Fiscal Concerns

3.2. Pedagogical Concerns

3.3. Community Concerns/ Public Perception

3.4. Educational Requirements

3.5. Desire for Re-Election

3.6. Family relations/colleagues within the district

3.7. Personal feelings towards each other

3.8. Personal Interests

3.9. Budget concerns- programs they may wish to protect against budget cuts.

4. Board Meeting Group Impressions

4.1. It is an interesting array of personalities that make up the school board, which I think is a good thing

4.2. Stop & Think- Although Mrs. Bell seems to be the negative one, she gets the board to re-think what they are about to vote on – what might be the negative effects of their actions

4.3. Some of the comments seem to be based on personal opinion and not necessarily thorough research.

4.4. When issues were brought up by speaker 1 & 2, there was no response, just a "thank you". Will there be any follow up?

4.5. Interesting that the school board and the superintendent have different lawyers when dealing with the employee issue – glad to see that Ms. Gordon wants to be well versed on the law before the next meeting, in which this matter will be voted upon

4.6. Each member of the board was elected by their own district- they represent the schools within that district. Based on some of the comments, it seems that they may have a difficult time seeing the entire picture and moving in the direction of the entire district as a whole rather than what they want for their own individual schools. This may answer the question on why some schools have things that others do not.

4.7. I think that an array of personalities is a good thing as long as the personalities can reach a commonality within the scope of their responsibilities. This can be difficult at times depending on the invested interests of those on the board. Board members who do not have children in the district certainly have different interests than those who do - where does the commonality lie?

4.8. It was interesting that there were so few people attending the board meeting. Administrators are required to attend our board meetings, yet I don't think that there were any other administrators present, and it appears to be a much larger district ours.

5. Board Members

5.1. Mrs. Cadel - Board chair

5.2. Ms. Robinson

5.3. Mr. Roach

5.4. Ms. Bell

5.5. Ms. Gordon

5.6. Ms. Moore

5.7. Ms. Flynn

5.8. Mr. Blocker - Superintendent

6. Others Present

6.1. School Attorney- General Counsel

6.2. Avalon Elementary: Principal & Staff (present at the beginning of the meeting), but left after being recognized

6.3. Debbie Clements "Progress Energy"

6.4. OCPS CFO- Financial Advisor

6.5. George Perot- IT consultant

6.6. Joel Kelley- City Commisioner

6.7. William Humphrey- President of Orange Education Support Professionals Association (Union)

7. Leadership Theories

7.1. "The pace of the pack is determined by the pace of the leader" - Flyn

7.1.1. Leadership within a building can make an immediate impact on faculty, staff and students Leadership Styles Reflected (Fullan, 35) Authoritative - leader mobilizes people toward a vision Pacesetting - leader sets high standards for performance

7.2. Please do not hold us to 1 item and limit what we can do as we compete throughout the nation." - Gordon

7.2.1. Pacesetting - the leader sets high standards for performance (Fullan, 35) Authoritative- leader mobilizes people towards a vision

7.3. William Humphrey - Union rep- " Do more with less, let's do what is right by our students & employees.

7.3.1. The Affiliative Leader builds emotional bonds "People come first" or "Lets do the right thing." (Fullan, 35) Law of connection: Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand" Leaders are efficient when those they lead feel they care. (Maxwell 155)

7.4. It's not a luxury - it's keeping up!

7.4.1. Law of Priorities: "A leader is the one who climbs the tallest tree, surveys the entire situation, and yells "Wrong Jungle!"- Differentiating between wants, needs and MUSTS. In today's times, technology stopped being a luxury and became a necessity. Students must be tech Savvy in today's business world. (Maxwell, 208)

7.5. "It is a community equity issue- affluent communities can get what they need whereas others can't" - Blocker

7.5.1. A leader is an advocate. Advocates reinforce and protect the right of equity among everyone s/he leads.

7.6. Schools should be entitled to use the latest technology. Smart Boards will enhance "the slower learner" and bring them to a higher level- Gordon

7.6.1. Is there research to back this up? Coaching - the leader develops people for the future ("Try this") (Fullan, 35)

7.7. "It would be nice to have the best of everything in all of our schools, but are we in a budget crunch or not?- Bell

7.7.1. Democratic- the leader forges consensus through participation. (What do you think?) (Fullan, 35)

8. Ethical/Unethical behavior

8.1. Equity - Why do some schools have technology in all of the classrooms while other schools do not? Goes beyond just technology example: glasses

8.2. Unethical- Relating dollar amounts for any spending to teachers, i.e: $300,000.00 that's 30 teachers

8.3. Ethical - Two fiscal awards - Which involves informing & allowing the community to participate in the budget process.

8.4. Unethical- "We have not been trained in this process"- Gordon. How can the Board make decisions without proper training?