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Chapter 4 создатель Mind Map: Chapter 4

1. modeling-Placing all the elements into 3-D space

2. Bitmaps

2.1. photo-realistic images

2.2. Complex drawings requiring fine detail

3. Bitmaps Graphics

3.1. Advantages

3.1.1. can have different textures on the drawing; detail and comprehenssive

3.2. Disadvantages

3.2.1. Large file size

3.2.2. Not easy to make modification to object/drawing

3.2.3. Graphics become"blocky"when the size is increased

4. Where do bitmaps come from?

4.1. Capture a bitmap using a camere

4.2. Capture a bitmap from a photo or other artwork using a scanner to igitize the image

4.3. Make a bitmap from scratch with a paint or drawing program

5. Legal right protecting use of images from clip art galleries fall into three basic groupings:

5.1. Protected by a copyright or their copyright or their copyright has ended

5.2. Royalty-free images are purchased and then used without paying addition license fees

6. Vector Drawing

6.1. Applications of vector-drawn object

6.2. How vector-drawn images work

6.3. Vector-drawn images versus bitmaps

6.4. Advantages

6.4.1. Vector images use less memory space

6.4.2. Vector objects are easily scalable without loss of resolution or image quality

6.4.3. Easy to edit the drawings as each object is independent of the other

6.5. Disadvantages

6.5.1. Object/drawings cannot have texture

6.5.2. cannot be used for photorealistic images

7. Texture

7.1. refers to the properties held and sensations caused by the external surface of objects received through the sense of touch

7.2. the feel of a surface or a fabric;"the wall had a smooth texture"

8. Features of a 3-D application

8.1. Extrusion-The shape of a plane surface extends some distance

8.2. Lathering-A profile of the shape is rotated around a define axis

9. Natural light and color models

9.1. Additive color

9.1.1. In three primary color-red,gree,and blue(RGB)

9.1.2. TV and computer monitors use this method

9.2. Subtractive color

9.2.1. In the subtractive color method,color is created by combining colored media such as paints or ink

9.2.2. is the process used to create color in printing

10. Image file types used in multimedia

10.1. macintosh formats

10.2. Windows formats

10.3. Cross-platform formats

10.4. JPEG(Joint Photographic Expert Group)

10.5. GIF

10.6. PNG(protable Network Graphic)

10.7. Image File Compression

11. Still images

11.1. Bitmaps(raster)

11.2. Vector drawn graphics

12. Types of Graphic

12.1. Bitmap graphics

12.1.1. is a simple matrix of the tiny dots that form an image and are displayes on screen or printed

12.2. Vector graphics

12.2.1. Bitmapped images can have varying bit and color depths

12.2.2. van have varying bit and color depths