Behind The Bedroom Wall

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Behind The Bedroom Wall by Mind Map: Behind The Bedroom Wall

1. frienship

1.1. Korinna lets Rachel play with her cat

1.2. Korinna tries to keep up with her lifetime friends even through these hard times

1.3. Korinna shows friendship to Mrs Krugman even though deep inside she hates her and all Jews

2. responsibility

2.1. Korinna's parents take on the responsibility of feeding and caring for the Krugman's

2.2. Korinna takes on the responsibility of not telling her friends the there are Jews in her room

2.3. The Krugmans take on the responsibility of staying quiet 24/7

3. sacrifice

3.1. Korinna and her family help the Jews event though if found they get killed

3.2. Korinna becomes friends with Rachel

3.3. Korinna makes up a story to tell Hans