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Chapter3 by Mind Map: Chapter3

1. Bitmap

1.1. File size increase as more sizes are added

1.2. Require a lot of memory

1.3. Non-scalable

2. Computer and text

2.1. Extended character set

2.2. Unicode

3. Fonts

3.1. Font styles

3.1.1. Boldface

3.1.2. Italic

3.1.3. Underlining

3.1.4. Outlining

3.2. Font terminology

3.2.1. Baseline

3.2.2. Cap height

3.2.3. X-height

3.2.4. Ascenders/descender

3.3. Cases

3.3.1. Kerning

3.3.2. Tracking

4. Text elements

4.1. Menus for navigation

4.2. Interactive buttons

4.3. Field for reading

4.4. HTML document

4.5. Symbols and icon

5. Vector

5.1. File size is much smaller than bit maps

5.2. TrueType,OpenType and PostScript are vector font format

6. Hypermedia structure

6.1. Links

6.2. Nodes

6.3. Anchors