iPad Technology furthuring Public Relations

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iPad Technology furthuring Public Relations by Mind Map: iPad Technology furthuring Public Relations

1. Public Relations

2. Customer Relations is the most important aspect of PR. The more face time you have with a client the more likely of the success.

3. Combining the iPad technology with the on the go Public Relations worker means less office time and more face to face communication with their clients.

4. Pros of PR working with iPad: Technology of a desktop computer on the go for easy access. Applications on the iPad allow for professional work and communication to be maintained at all times.

5. Cons of PR working with iPad: When using these new technologies, communication can sometimes be blocked. The more technology comes out such as the iPad, the less face to face time communication is needed.

6. iPad Technology

7. Applications on the iPad allow Public Relation specialists to do their work on the go. With this mobile technology such as the iPad being used in the Public Relations feild, computers are a thing of the past.

8. Price of iPad exceeds the average work place income. It is hard for companies to be able to afford iPads to give to their employees. However, they should be implimented into the work place due to their efficiancy and their mobliity.