Entertainment One

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Entertainment One by Mind Map: Entertainment One

1. E-one Television

1.1. Access finances for television production titles.

1.2. Develop and produce original television

1.3. Their sales division brings new content to the group including all third parties

1.4. To build up the program catalog.

1.5. To connect with licensing opportunities all around the world.

2. E-one Investors

2.1. Responsible to properly manage shareholders.

2.2. To produce reports and presentations

2.3. To produce an investment case for further growth.

2.4. Advise sectors.

2.5. They perform audits

3. E-one Distribution

3.1. Retail distribute BluRays, songs and video games.

3.2. Supply wholesale services

3.3. Distribute music and videos from artist to consumer.

3.4. Canada Distribution

3.5. Aggregate content from multiple partners.

4. E-one Music

4.1. Provides retail, special marketing and digital distribution.

4.2. Home to a variety of sub-labels.

4.3. Provide licensing and music publishing for their in house music catalog.

4.4. Provides public relations and marketing staff for their music and artists.

4.5. Provides their on graphic staff for their artists.

5. E-one Film

5.1. Provides retail, special marketing and digital distribution.

5.2. Execute original campaigns through marketing and promotion

5.3. To seek the best in independent film.

5.4. They connect media content to audiences worldwide.

5.5. Attract audiences and generate excitement.