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New Planets by Mind Map: New Planets

1. Colonizing Mars and Other Planets

1.1. Presence of water was found.

1.1.1. Can sustain life.

1.2. Learning new methods to survive.

2. Ideas

2.1. Living on other planets will be an option.

2.2. More resources available for people that decides to stay on Earth.

2.3. The planet will eventually replenish itself.

2.3.1. More resources

3. Steps

3.1. All humans need to know how to harvest.

3.2. Learn how to coexist.

3.3. Be productive.

4. Problems

4.1. Our technology isn't advanced enough.

4.2. Hostile living conditions

4.2.1. Weather and temperature

4.3. Different health problems.

4.3.1. The difference of gravity can cause problems for people.