TIC PSD Sharepoint 2010 Planning

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TIC PSD Sharepoint 2010 Planning by Mind Map: TIC PSD Sharepoint 2010 Planning

1. Co-Authoring

2. Records Management

3. eDiscovery

4. Caching and Performance

4.1. Uploa File Size

4.2. New node

5. Managed MetaData

5.1. Plan Roles

5.2. Term and Termsets

6. Variations

7. Infopath Services

7.1. Webbrowser Forms

8. Outgoing Emails

9. Versioning,Approval,Check-out Planning

10. Sites and Site Collections

10.1. Site Navigation

10.2. Themes

10.3. Process for Creating Sites

10.4. Site Permissions

11. Social Computing and Collaboration

11.1. Audience

11.2. MySite

11.2.1. Architecture

11.2.2. Synchronize User Profiles

11.2.3. Features

11.3. Social Tagging

11.3.1. Social Tags

11.3.2. Note Board

11.3.3. Ratings

11.3.4. Boomarklets

11.3.5. Impacts Security and Privacy Performance and Capacity

11.4. My Profiles

11.4.1. Synchronisation

11.4.2. Membership and colleagues

11.4.3. Properties

11.4.4. Locating people and expertise

12. Digital Asset Management

12.1. Topology

12.2. Organisation

12.3. content types

12.4. governance

12.5. Storage and Performance

12.6. Metadata and Search

13. Business Intelligence

13.1. Excell Services

13.2. Visios Services

13.3. Performance Point

13.3.1. Topology

13.4. Power Pivot

13.5. Secure Store

14. Content

14.1. Content Storage Planning

14.1.1. Large Scale Authoring

14.1.2. Large Scale Content Archive

14.2. Content Types

14.3. Content Deployment Topologies

14.4. Publishing Infrastructure