The changeover to IPv6

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The changeover to IPv6 by Mind Map: The changeover to IPv6

1. History

1.1. IPv4

1.2. Simulations

1.2.1. China Ning, Hua.

1.3. US Official Move

1.3.1. FCC

1.4. Why the changeover?

1.4.1. Tweney, Dylan.

1.4.2. Lennon, Mike.

2. Who this affects and how

2.1. Businesses

2.1.1. Servers

2.1.2. Switches

2.1.3. Facebook Lee, Donn.

2.2. Consumers

2.2.1. Personal Computers

2.2.2. Home Networks

2.3. Mobile Devices

2.3.1. Jayanthi, J. Gnana, and S. Albert Rabara.

3. Pros & Cons

3.1. Cons

3.1.1. The changeover process Jayanthi, J. Gnana, and S. Albert Rabara.

3.1.2. Security CERT

3.2. Pros

3.2.1. Optimization CERT

3.2.2. Size pThree

4. World IPv6 Day

4.1. Why?

4.2. History

4.3. Who's Involved and Why

4.3.1. Facebook

4.3.2. Bing

4.3.3. Google

4.3.4. Others