Tracking our websites - Good or Bad

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Tracking our websites - Good or Bad by Mind Map: Tracking our websites - Good or Bad

1. Privacy

1.1. People deserve personal privacy online.

1.2. It does not track who uses the computer, just the ISP. Making it possible for information to be misinterpreted.

1.3. Promotes use of VPNs to make this whole activity useless.

1.4. This activity gives the govt. a chance to sell our information to third parties.

1.5. This activity would open up a whole can of worms, setting precidents leading to more privacy infractions by the govt.

1.6. Being part of the "five eyes" group of countries (UK, US, Canada, NZ & Australia) means official govt agencies of any of those countries can get access to our data also. *

1.7. The collected data will be all in one spot for hackers to be able to conveniently have all the data they want in the one place.

2. Safety

2.1. Anyone breaking the law on private computers and not protecting themselves will be caught easier.

2.2. Terrorist groups not using basic protection will be easier to track.

2.3. Increased data in govt. servers will make them more attractive targets to attack. This puts other areas at risk since they use similar encryption methods.

3. Economic

3.1. Businesses will be less likely to set up onshore offices if they cannot be guaranteed privacy in their online activity.

3.2. If the govt. is logging our internet traffic, there is a chance it could be hacked to people to spy on competitors data, also not good for business.

3.3. Cost to set this up is in the billions. Being fronted originally by the govt (ie the taxpayers), then the cost will be covered by the ISPs, who will most probably pass that onto the consumers. *

3.4. The building of sites for data storage (although some will be stored offshore) may create some short term jobs.

3.5. The monitoring of our websites could create very few new roles in ASIO and AFP creating a tiny amount of long term jobs.