Identifying Me - Age

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Identifying Me - Age by Mind Map: Identifying Me - Age

1. Letter to my best friend

1.1. Instructions

1.1.1. 1. Teacher will demonstrate the steps while the children follow along 2. Children will spray shaving cream onto the tray 3. Children will use ruler to spread the shaving cream until it becomes flat 4. Children will put food colouring randomly on the shaving cream surface 5. Children will make swirls with the skewers on the food colouring 6. Children will press the A4 sized paper onto the shaving cream gently 7. Children will use a ruler to push the shaving cream aside 8. On the flip side, children will write about what they have enjoyed with their best friends in the current year 9. After, they will give their best friends as a token of appreciation for their friendship

1.2. Technique

1.2.1. Shaving Cream

1.3. Art Form

1.3.1. 1. Children will be able to explore the use of shaving cream to decorate their paper 2. Children will be able to appreciate their friends and cherish the moments spent together in their young years

1.4. Medium

1.4.1. 1. Shaving cream 2, Food colouring such as red, yellow, blue, green 3. Skewer 4. Tray 5. Ruler 6. A4 sized paper

1.5. Element

1.5.1. Colours, Lines

2. Colours Fanatasia

2.1. Instructions

2.1.1. 1. Teacher instructs the children to put on aprons 2. Teacher provide a variety of watercolours such as brown, red, blue, yellow and green 3. Teacher squeezes small portions of the paint randomly on the mahjong paper 4. Teacher instructs the children to stand around the mahjong paper 5. Teacher will demonstrate the steps while the children follow along 6. Children will mix the paint in any direction with their fingers 7. After all the paint is mixed evenly, teacher asks the children for either of their parents age 8. Teacher will facilitate and help to arrange the children in chronological order of either of their parents age 9. Children will draw themselves and that parent on the mahjong paper while the rest follow suit behind the child with the youngest parent 10. After the activity, the teacher gets the children to wash their hands and take off their aprons 11. Teacher does a recap with the children on the techniques and mixing of colours that they have learnt 12. Teacher ends of the lesson by reminding the children that even if their parents are young or old, the children should love them and appreciate them as each day goes by.

2.2. Technique

2.2.1. Finger painting

2.3. Art Form

2.3.1. 1. Children will be able to explore mixing of colours and the texture of paint 2, Children will be able to find out about their parents age and be able to relate more to their parents

2.4. Medium

2.4.1. 1. Water Colour (brown, red, blue, yellow and green) 2. Mahjong paper

2.5. Element

2.5.1. Colour, texture, pattern

3. Fresco Delight

3.1. Instructions

3.1.1. Before the lesson 1. Teacher’s preparation before the lesson 2. Place fabric on the cupboard 3. Place plaster into the disposable cup 4. Pour water slowly into the disposable cup that contains the plaster 5. Use a mixing spoon to mix the water and the plaster 6. Pour the mixture onto the fabric 7. Let it dry for 30 minutes (Get Crafty Crafty, 2013)

3.1.2. During the lesson 1. The teacher gives children a set of crayons and colour pencils 2. Teacher will demonstrate the steps while the children follow along 3. Teacher gets the children to draw a line in the middle to divide the fresco 4. Teacher gets children to draw themselves on the left of the fresco and draw their further self on the right of the fresco 5. Teacher will provide the colour pencils and crayons for the children to choose 6. Children are free to imagine and draw based on the perception of themselves and future occupation for the drawing of their future self on the right of the fresco 7. After drawing, the children will get to break their fresco artpieces randomly in no fixed direction 8. Teacher will provide white glue on a paper plate with ice cream sticks 9. Children will use the ice cream sticks and spread them all over the fresco paintings 10. Let the glue dry

3.2. Technique

3.2.1. Fresco painting

3.3. Art Form

3.3.1. 1. Children will be able to explore the texture and lines from the plaster through fresco painting 2. Children will be able to identify themselves more through a perception of their current and future self

3.4. Medium

3.4.1. 1. Disposable cup 2. Small mixing spoon 3. 1 cup of plaster of Paris 4. ½ cup of water 5. 1 sq. ft. of fabric cloth 6. Crayons 7. Colour pencil 8. Paper plates 9. White glue 10. Ice cream sticks 11. 1 sq. ft. of cardboard

3.5. Element

3.5.1. Texture, Lines

4. Do Dough

4.1. Instructions

4.1.1. 1. Teacher will get children the dough 2. Teacher will demonstrate the steps while the children follow along 3. Children will roll the dough with the roller, and cut the edges with the ruler, to form an ice cream shape base 4. Children will have to pick the number of colours for their icing which is based on their age 5. Children will use their hands and roll out each colour on the table 6. Children will place the colours horizontally together 7. After, they will place it on the base and mould it to become the shape of the ice cream 8. Children will insert an ice cream stick at the bottom of the ice cream 9. The teacher will check the number of colours on the ice cream base, representing the children's age. Teacher will teach them to be positive and strong when they face more challenges and trials when they age.

4.2. Technique

4.2.1. Moulding

4.3. Art Form

4.3.1. 1. Children will be able to explore the technique of moulding play dough 2. Children will be able to recognise their age by choosing the right number of colours as icing for their ice cream

4.4. Medium

4.4.1. 1. Clay 2. Ice cream sticks 3. Roller 4. Ruler

4.5. Elements

4.5.1. Colour, Texture