Educational Resouces

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Educational Resouces by Mind Map: Educational Resouces

1. animals

2. fun music

3. app

4. educational

4.1. math

4.2. grammar

4.3. science

4.4. moral values

4.5. environmental issues

5. reward system

5.1. points

5.2. coins

6. colourfull

7. bright colours

8. rhymes

8.1. Twinkle Twinkle

8.2. Ringa- Ringa Roses

8.3. Hickory, dickory dock

9. fun

10. simple

11. 5-6 year olds

11.1. seek attention

11.2. low attention span

12. game

13. interactive

14. adventure

14.1. river crossing

14.2. pyramids

14.3. escape

15. disney characters

15.1. mowgli

15.2. aladdin

15.3. Peter Pan

15.4. princesses

15.4.1. jasmine

15.4.2. cinderella

15.4.3. ariel

15.4.4. elsa

15.5. Hercules

15.6. Tarzan

15.7. Mickey mouse

15.8. Pinnochio

15.9. Robin Hood

15.10. Winnie the Pooh