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Chat- How to by Mind Map: Chat- How to

1. Introduction& Invitation

1.1. Diverse style

1.1.1. Teacher- Student

1.1.2. Hello, how may I help you? Hi, how can I help you ?

1.2. Knowing customer

1.2.1. User info on the right side of board - quick access

2. Develop

2.1. What is the issue?

2.1.1. Quick identification - is the issue asap?

2.1.2. immediate help

2.1.3. resolution

2.2. What caused the issue?

2.2.1. identification -> longer (info about the time)

2.2.2. who may help ?/ where find the resolution ?

2.3. How to fix the issue ?

2.3.1. Will be the answer quick ? If not how to deliver it? -> still chat or email ? Estimated time

3. Resolution + Value added

3.1. Understandable

3.1.1. simple sentences & words

3.1.2. maps

3.2. applicable

3.3. examples ,screenshots

3.4. FAQ, how to, guidance

4. Close

4.1. meet expectations -> is the issue fixed?

4.2. is there anything else do to ?

4.3. feedback

4.4. thanks for help