Fortunato Point of View (Amontillado) Make this all from Fortunsto's mind, his thoughts, his thi...

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Fortunato Point of View (Amontillado) Make this all from Fortunsto's mind, his thoughts, his thinking of all the events happening. por Mind Map: Fortunato Point of  View (Amontillado) Make this all from Fortunsto's mind, his thoughts, his thinking of all the events happening.

1. 7. Montresor and Fortunato talk about the Amontillado and Luchresi (p. 3 dialogue) which once again makes Fortunato think himself of the wine expert.

2. 6. They keep walking around, Fortunato noticing more and more nitre. They walk arm in arm, Fortunato leans heavily on Montresor.

3. 8. Fortunato stepped forward unsteadily and saw himself to be in front of a niche and within that moment he was chained up against that niche very quickly.

4. 9. Fortunato was so shocked at what happened that when Montresor told him he was going to leave him there, all he said was, "The Amontillado" (p.4 dialogue)

5. 10. Fortunato is still chained to the wall as Montresor builds up a stone wall in front of him. (Describe) Fortunato thinks its all a joke(p.4 dialogue)

6. 11. Montresor called his name a few times and he did not answer. On that note, Montresor left him there and walked away after he finished building the stone wall. (say how Fortunato was left there in the dark forever until his death)

7. 3. Fortunato and Montresor make their way to the vaults where the Amontillado is kept. They go through the home and no one was home. Fortunato is clueless for he wants the Amontillado and nothing else.

8. 4. Fortunato keeps coughing and Montresor seems to care for him and worry.(say how Montresor keeps asking if he is okay) Fortunato says it is nothing and they keep moving on through the vaults.

9. 1. Fortunato is having a good time partying at the Carnival. He gets bumped into by Montresor. Montresor tells him about the Amotillado (p.1 dialogue). Fortunato is shocked!

10. 2. Montresor tells him he was going to see Luchresi (p.1 dialogue). Fortunato denies and he wants to go instead. He proclaims he is a better wine expert. (p. 1+2 dialogue)

11. 5. They have a drink and toast to each other, Fortunato to the purpose they are down there and Montresor to Fortunato's life. After, another conversation of Montresor advising them to turn around for the sake of Fortunato's health.