Mibs (Mississippi)

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Mibs (Mississippi) by Mind Map: Mibs (Mississippi)

1. Mibs

1.1. Real name is Mississippi

1.2. Soon to be 13-years-old

2. Momma

2.1. Savvy is being perfect.

2.2. Mother of Rocket, Fish, Mibs, Samson, and Gypsy

2.3. Daughter of Bomba

3. Bomba

3.1. Grandfather of Rocket, Fish, Gypsy, Samson, and Mibs

3.2. Father of Momma

3.3. Savvy is creating land and manipulating the Earth

4. Poppa

4.1. Father of Rocket, Fish, Mibs, Samson, and Gypsy

4.2. Currently in a hospital in Salina

5. Miss Rosemary

5.1. Preacher's Wife

5.2. Comes over, uninvited, to take care of Mibs and her siblings.

6. Will Jr.

6.1. Son of preacher and Miss Rosemary

7. Lester

7.1. Pink bible bus driver

7.2. Has 2 tattoos. The names of his mother and girlfriend, that Mibs hears constantly down talking him.

8. Rocket

8.1. Savvy is electricity

8.2. 17-years-old

9. Fish

9.1. Savvy is manipulating the weather

9.2. 14-years-old

10. Samson

10.1. 7-years-old

10.2. Described to be dark and broody

10.3. Has a pet turtle that everyone thought was dead, but was just hibernating.

10.4. May have already gotten his savvy

11. Gypsy

11.1. 3-years-old

11.2. Has multiple imaginary friends

12. Lill

12.1. Fired from Diner in Emerald