Savvy Sociogram by Kaitlyn McDaniel: Mibs

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Savvy Sociogram by Kaitlyn McDaniel: Mibs by Mind Map: Savvy Sociogram by Kaitlyn McDaniel: Mibs

1. Ashley Bing

1.1. Mean girl

2. Emma Flint

2.1. Mean girl

2.2. Copys Ashley

3. Miss Rosemary

3.1. preachers wife

3.2. obsessed with being a good mom

4. Bobbi

4.1. mean on the outside sweet in the inside

4.2. thinks Mibs can read minds

4.3. 16 years old

5. Will Jr.

5.1. preachers son

5.2. likes Mibs

6. Mr. Rosemary

6.1. preacher

6.2. gets mad easily

7. Fish

7.1. Savvy is controling the weather

7.2. 14 years old

8. Rocket

8.1. Savvy is electricity

8.2. 17 years old

9. Grandpa Bomba

9.1. Savvy streaches lands

10. Samson

10.1. Does not have a savvy

10.2. 7 years old

11. Gypsy

11.1. Does not have a savvy

11.2. 3 years old

12. Momma

12.1. Savvy is being perfect

13. Poppa

13.1. has no savvy