Savvy Sociogram by: Cole Kucera: Mibs

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Savvy Sociogram by: Cole Kucera: Mibs by Mind Map: Savvy Sociogram by: Cole Kucera: Mibs

1. Fish

1.1. Savvy is controlling the weather

1.2. 14 years old

2. Samson

2.1. Too young to have a savvy

2.2. 7 years old

3. Emily Flint

3.1. Repeats everything Ashley Bing syas

4. Will Junior

5. Bobbi

6. Pastor Meeks

7. Rocket

7.1. Savvy is controlling electricity

7.2. 17 years old

8. Grandpa Bomba

8.1. Savvy is controlling the earth (ground)

8.2. Mib's Grandpa

9. Gypsy

9.1. Too young to have a savvy

9.2. 3 years old

10. Momma

10.1. Savvy is being perfect

11. Poppa

11.1. Works in Salina

12. Ashley Bing

12.1. Bullies Mibs

12.2. Calls her "Missy Pissy"