Savvy Sociogram by: Maddie Williams: Mibs

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Savvy Sociogram by: Maddie Williams: Mibs by Mind Map: Savvy Sociogram by: Maddie Williams: Mibs

1. Will Junior

2. Bobbi

3. Ashley Bing

4. Emma Flint

4.1. One of the mean girls but shes like the one who mimiks the other

5. Great aunt Jubes

5.1. Savvy is every time she sneezes she goes 20 minuets back in the future

6. Personal information

6.1. 13 years old

7. Lester

8. Fish

8.1. Savvy is controlling the weather

8.2. 14 years old

9. Rocket

9.1. Savvy is electricity

9.2. 17 years old

10. Gypsy

10.1. 3 years old

10.2. Doesn't have a savvy yet

11. Samson

11.1. Doesn't have savvy yet

11.2. 7 years old

12. Grandpa

12.1. Old

13. Momma

13.1. Middle aged

13.2. Savvy is being perfect

14. Poppa