Savvy Sociogram By Maddy Ralston: MIBS

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Savvy Sociogram By Maddy Ralston: MIBS by Mind Map: Savvy Sociogram By Maddy Ralston: MIBS

1. Will Junior

2. Personal Information

2.1. 13 years old

2.2. Knows her savvy just doesn't want to admit it

3. Pappa

3.1. Was in accident at Salina Hospital

3.2. No savvy

4. Rocket

4.1. 17

4.2. Electricity is his savvy

5. Fish

5.1. 14

5.2. creating or controlling weather is his savvy

6. Mrs. Rosemary

7. Pappa

7.1. didn't have a savvy

7.2. Was in accident at Salina Hospital

8. Momma

8.1. Perfect is her savvy

9. Grandpa Bomba

9.1. making new places wherever and whenever he wants is his savvy

10. Gypsy

10.1. 3 years old

11. Samson

11.1. 7 years old

11.2. Dark and Broody

11.3. Has a pet turtle