Savvy Sociogram By Morgan Lundgren: MIBS

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Savvy Sociogram By Morgan Lundgren: MIBS by Mind Map: Savvy Sociogram By Morgan Lundgren: MIBS

1. Great Aunt Jules

1.1. Her Savvy is going back every 20 minutes when she sneezed.

2. Cousin Olive

2.1. His Savvy is melting ice with one single red hot stare.

3. Samson

3.1. 7

3.2. Dark and shadowy

3.3. Has no savvy

4. Gypsy

4.1. 3

4.2. Has no Savvy

5. Turtle

5.1. Samson's Pet

5.2. It was thought to be dead, but was hibernating

6. Ashley Bing

6.1. Bullies Mibs at school

7. Emma Flint

7.1. Bullies Mibs at school

7.2. Repeats Ashley Mibs every day

8. Will

9. Rhonda

9.1. Lester's Mother

9.2. She is tattooed on Lester's arm along with Carlene. Mib's can hear her thoughts.

10. Pastor Meeks

11. Rocket

11.1. 17

11.2. His Savvy is Electricity

12. Fish

12.1. 14

12.2. His Savvy is creating and controlling weather

13. Momma

13.1. Her Savvy is being perfect at everything

14. Poppa

14.1. We don't know anything about his savvy

14.2. In the hospital in a coma after a deadly car accident.

15. Grandpa

15.1. His Savvy is making states and towns

16. Lester

16.1. Drives a pink bus

16.2. Delivers bibles to churches

16.3. Has tattoos names of his Mother and Ex Girlfriend on his arms.

17. Bobbi

18. Lill

19. Carlene

19.1. Lester's ex girlfriend