Savvy Sociogram by Heather Quinones MIBS

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Savvy Sociogram by Heather Quinones MIBS by Mind Map: Savvy Sociogram by Heather Quinones MIBS

1. Bobbi

1.1. 17 year old

1.2. has a crush on rocket

1.3. the daughter of rosmary

1.4. Becoming friends with mibs

2. Grandpa Bomba

2.1. Taking care of the kids

3. Gypsy

3.1. Toddler

4. Samson

4.1. second youngest

5. Emma

5.1. bully/repeat stuff

6. Ashley

6.1. bully

7. Rhonda

7.1. she mean

8. Lester

8.1. Dumb

9. Rocket

9.1. 17 year old

9.2. Savvy:Electricity

10. Fish

10.1. 14 year old

10.2. Savvy:Creating Weather

10.3. h

11. Will Junior

11.1. The son of rosmary

11.2. 14 year old

11.3. Wants to be like his dad

11.4. Will has a crush on Mibs.

11.5. He kisses mibs

12. Momma

12.1. worry/ homeschool

13. Pappa

13.1. got into a accident

14. Rosmary

14.1. Has two kids

14.2. Marry to a pastor