savvy sociogram by Manuella Mulegwa:Mlbs

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savvy sociogram by Manuella Mulegwa:Mlbs by Mind Map: savvy sociogram by Manuella Mulegwa:Mlbs

1. lestster

2. Momma

2.1. her savvy is " perfect"

3. fish

3.1. his savvy is to controling storms

3.2. fish is mibs brother

4. Grandpa Bomba

5. Mr.Beaumont

6. will junior

7. lill

8. Rocket

8.1. His savvy is electricity

8.2. Rocket is 17 years old

8.2.1. ;

9. Bobbi

10. Gypsy

10.1. 3 years old

11. Mibs