Love-Mibs Sociogram

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Love-Mibs Sociogram by Mind Map: Love-Mibs Sociogram

1. Fish

1.1. He is Mibs' Brother

1.2. His savvy is that he can control the weather

1.3. He is the second-oldest Beaumount

2. Samson

2.1. He is Mibs' Brother

2.2. He does not have a savvy yet

2.3. He is the second-youngest Beaumount

3. Gypsy

3.1. She is Mibs' Sister

3.2. She does not have a savvy yet

3.3. She is the youngest Beaumount

4. Poppa

4.1. He is Mibs' Father

4.2. He has no savvy

4.3. He is in the hospital

5. Grandpa

5.1. He is Mibs' Grandpa

5.2. His savvy is that he can stretch land

5.3. His is Momma's father

6. Lil

6.1. She was picked up by Lester after her car broke down

6.2. She has no savvy

6.3. Acts like a mother when the children don't have one on the bus

7. Rocket

7.1. He is Mibs' Brother

7.2. His savvy is conducting electricity

7.3. He is the oldest Beaumount

8. Momma

8.1. She is Mibs' Mother

8.2. Her savvy is that she is perfect

8.3. She is in the hospital with poppa, making sure he is ok

9. Bobbi Meeks

9.1. She is the preachers daughter

9.2. She has no savvy

9.3. She is Will's brother

10. Will Junior

10.1. He is the Preachers son

10.2. He has no savvy

10.3. He is Bobbi's Brother

11. Miss Rosemary

11.1. The preachers wife

11.2. She has no savvy

11.3. She is Bobbi and Will's Mother

12. Lester

12.1. He drove Bobbi, Will, Fish, Samson and Mibs in a bus

12.2. He has no savvy

12.3. It takes him a while to register something