Harmon - Mibs Sociogram

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Harmon - Mibs Sociogram by Mind Map: Harmon - Mibs Sociogram

1. Samson

1.1. Relation: Mibs brother

1.2. Savvy: not yet

1.3. Mib's shy younger brother

2. Gypsy

2.1. Relation: Mib's sister

2.2. Savvy: not yet

2.3. Mib's younger sister

3. Bobbi Meeks

3.1. Relation: her pastors daughter

3.2. Savvy: none

3.3. Rebellious teenager

4. Poppa

4.1. Relation: Mib's father

4.2. Savvy: none

4.3. He is a regular human, even though his family have savvies.

5. Momma

5.1. Relation: Mib's mother

5.2. Savvy: she's perfect

5.3. Even when she makes a mistake, she does it perfectly.

6. Grandpa

6.1. Relation: Mib's grandfather

6.2. Savvy: creates land

6.3. Sleeps all the time

7. Will Junior

7.1. Relation: Mib's pastor's son

7.2. Savvy: none

7.3. Has a crush on Mib's

8. Miss Rosemary

8.1. Relation: Mib's pastor's wife

8.2. savvy: none

8.3. Is annoying and controlling

9. Lester

9.1. Relation: he's the driver of the bible bus

9.2. Savvy: none

9.3. Very shy and awkward

10. Lill

10.1. Relation: the woman they picked up off the highway

10.2. Savvy: none

10.3. She's a waitress, and Lester and her like each other.

11. Fish

11.1. Relation: Mib's brother

11.2. Savvy: creates whether

11.3. A year older than Mibs

12. Rocket

12.1. Relation: Mib's brother

12.2. Savvy: creates electricity

12.3. Mib's oldest brother