williams mibbs sociogram

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williams mibbs sociogram by Mind Map: williams mibbs sociogram

1. fish

1.1. mibbs brother

1.2. his savvy is to control weather

1.3. a little bit older then mibbs

2. rocket

2.1. mibbs brother

2.2. his savvy is to control power

2.3. older then fish

3. samson

3.1. mibbs brother

3.2. has no savvy yet

3.3. younger then mibbs

4. momma

4.1. mother to mibbs

4.2. savvy is to do everything perfectly

5. poppa

5.1. father to mibbs

5.2. gets into an accident

6. will junior

6.1. mibbs friend

6.2. he has no savvy

7. miss rosemary

7.1. friend of the family

7.2. mother of will junior

7.3. has no savvy

8. gypsy

8.1. younger sister to mibbs

8.2. has not gotten her savvy yet

9. bobbi weeks

9.1. friend of mibbs

10. grandpa

10.1. savvy to make new places

10.2. grandpa to mibbs

11. lester

11.1. drives a pink bible bus that the kids hitch a ride on

12. lill

12.1. dinner worker

12.1.1. the bus picked her up

13. ozzey

13.1. dinner onwer

13.1.1. the kids use ther savvys on him fires lill