Y5U3 Unit Links

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Y5U3 Unit Links by Mind Map: Y5U3 Unit Links

1. Simple Problem solving

2. Computing

2.1. Creating a Keynote about their chosen Ancient Civilisation

2.1.1. Multimedia Presentation (Keynote)

2.1.2. Format text appropriately

2.1.3. Structure/Layout of each page

2.1.4. Suitable info from a range of resources

2.1.5. Hyperlinks

2.1.6. Peer assessment - make suitable improvements to layout and content

2.1.7. Cut and paste between applications

2.1.8. Spell Check

2.1.9. Use both hands while typing

3. Maths

4. Literacy

5. Art

6. PE

7. Music

8. Science

9. Arabic