A map showing what I've accomplished so far in en3177, and where it will lead.

Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico

1. twitter

1.1. How to sign up

1.2. How to tweet

1.3. how to find and follow people

1.4. How to link my account to my cell phone

1.5. How to look up a twitter feed

1.6. New node

2. Wiki's

2.1. class Wiki Page

2.1.1. How to embed images

2.1.2. How to embed links

2.1.3. How to sign up for a class wiki

2.1.4. how to make bullets

2.2. Wiki Page I created for assignment

2.2.1. How to add a wiki page using camel-case

2.2.2. How to adjust font size

2.2.3. how to change font color

2.2.4. How to copy and paste from other wiki's to avoid having to write code

2.2.5. How to embed links

2.2.6. How to embed images

2.2.7. How to make font bold faced

2.3. My personal wiki

2.3.1. How to get a wiki, and that's about it so far...

3. Accounts

3.1. Twitter

3.2. Delicious

3.3. Wordpress

3.4. Wikia

3.5. Prezi

3.6. mindmeister

4. Tech Savvy College Student!

5. Blog

5.1. How to sign up for a blog

5.2. How to post

5.3. How to embed images and links

5.4. How to mediate comments

5.5. How to tag

5.6. How to edit my existing posts

5.7. How to save posts as drafts

6. Social Bookmarking

6.1. How to join

6.2. How to add a bookmark

6.3. How to tag

7. Notes

8. Commentary

9. posts

9.1. Brian Lamb Biased?

9.2. What I've accomplished at week 6

10. Prezi

10.1. How to sign up

10.2. How to enter information

10.3. How to move text where I want it

10.4. How to link excerpts togeather in order

10.5. How to adjust font and background color themes

10.6. how to embed a video

10.7. How hard even simple programs are to learn when they are completly foreign to you