Creating Learning Networks

This is a mindmap that I will using during my ITSC11 session, Creating Learning Networks in School Communities.

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Creating Learning Networks por Mind Map: Creating Learning Networks

1. How do you build community?

1.1. Strategies?

1.2. Activities?

2. What are some outside resources that enhance online learning spaces?

3. Why do teachers need to participate in learning networks?

4. What are exemplary networks for teachers?

5. What features are desirable?

5.1. For teachers?

5.1.1. message boards

5.1.2. subgroups

5.2. For students?

5.2.1. privacy controls

6. How do you keep everyone safe?

6.1. Protocols?

6.2. Guidelines?

7. Why do kids need to participate in learning networks?

8. What are exemplary networks for students?

9. Other tools we should consider

9.1. Gaggle

9.2. School Center

9.3. ePals