Workplace Safety

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Workplace Safety by Mind Map: Workplace Safety

1. Workplace Issues

1.1. younger people are at a higher risk getting injured in a work environment

1.2. lack of experience in the job market to know what is safe or not

1.3. lack of knowledge of their rights and responsibilities

1.4. using equipment of machines that are designed for adults

1.5. certain tasks they're given can be physically straining on a still developing body

1.6. little to no safety training is given

1.7. stress or pressure balancing work with school, sports, family, and extracurriculars

2. Lost Youth

2.1. BC has 250 000+ young workers (15-24 yrs of age)

2.2. mostly all students in high school, university or college

2.3. range from full-time to part-time jobs

2.4. usually entry level jobs

2.5. fairly new to the workplace industry

2.6. youth are at high risk being injured on the job

3. Educate

3.1. know your rights

3.2. know the company's safety rules and regulations

3.3. don't be shy to ask to be shown how to properly use a machine if you've never used it before

3.4. know the dangers of your workplace environment and how to prevent accidents

4. New Workers

4.1. young workers are much more likely to be hurt than other workers

4.2. young workers (15-24 yrs of age) are injured during the first 6 months of their job

4.3. almost 20% of the injuries happen within the first month of the job

4.4. younger workers can feel intimidated to questions about unsafe situations