GPC Discount Cards

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GPC Discount Cards by Mind Map: GPC Discount Cards

1. Offers

1.1. Baja Fresh

1.1.1. 5$ off pur of $15 or more

1.2. Jimmy John's

1.2.1. Free chips after purchase of sand. and drink

1.3. IHOP

1.3.1. 20% off ttl. pur.

1.4. Claire's

1.4.1. 20% off one item (Code 13 exclusion)

1.5. Los Ranchos

1.5.1. 15% off ttl. pur.

1.6. Tony Roma's

1.6.1. 10% off ttl. pur.

1.7. Johnny Rockets

1.7.1. 10% off ttl. pur.

1.8. Cold Stone

1.8.1. 10% off ttl. pur.

1.9. Grill Foods Inc.

1.9.1. 10% off ttl. pur.

1.10. Senor Frogs

1.10.1. 10% off ttl. pur.

1.11. Denny's

1.11.1. 10% off ttl. pur.

1.12. DQ

1.12.1. BOGOF sundae or cone

1.13. Jamba Juice

1.13.1. BOGOF(EOLV) Juice or Smoothies

1.14. Dominoe's

1.14.1. BOGOF LG pizza @ reg price (EOLV)

1.15. Boardwalk Tavern

1.15.1. BOGOF Cheese Slice

2. Lifetime (1 Jul 2009)

2.1. Price cuts?

3. Price-$15

3.1. How soon can it be paid off?

3.1.1. 4 LG Pizzas (2 Free)(Any type)

3.1.2. 3 visits to Baja Fresh

3.1.3. $75 @ IHOP

3.1.4. $100 @ Los Ranchos

3.1.5. $150 @ Senor Frogs Cold Stone Johnny Rockets Denny's Tony Roma's Grill Foods Inc

3.1.6. 3 Orig. Smoothies @ Jamba Juice

3.1.7. ?? 5 cones/sundaes @ DQ ??