protect the buns

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protect the buns by Mind Map: protect the buns

1. Contact

1.1. This page will contain the information to contact me, the website's admin if anyone would like to seek further info.

1.1.1. Social Media: Links to social media as well as an email for the site will be posted here to let anyone who wants to follow us know

1.1.2. Ap Prototype: The link to the prototype ap will also be linked amongst the social media

1.1.3. This page would also include my website's QR code, since this would be where I would think to look for one.

2. More Info

2.1. This will be a page of links to more websites if someone would like to further research this topic.

2.1.1. Animation: There will be a video, created by me, that discusses good resources an ways to further investigate this topic

3. Cruelty Free Brands

3.1. This page will contain a list of cruelty free cosmetic brands, and will be updated to ensure accuracy.

3.1.1. Digital photo editing: There will also be digital photos on this page, amongst the list of brands that are cruelty free.

4. Tagline: Beauty doesn't have to involve pain.

5. Home

5.1. The home page will be a nice introduction to the site with the ability to click on the other available tabs, as well as a description of the website's mission, and photos that relate to the cause.

5.1.1. Digital photo editing and logos: The logo for my site will be on the top of every page, however it will be larger on the home page, and there will be edited photos included here as well.

5.1.2. Screencast Presentation: The screencast highlighting my site will also be featured on the home page to ensure that those who click on will have a good understanding of where to go.

6. About

6.1. This tab will go into more depth about the website's cause, and will help further explain the importance of the info being shared.

6.1.1. Infographics: Some graphs and charts will be included here amidst the description of the mission of the website, to help explain the importance of it.

6.1.2. Google Form: I will use google form to collect info about what website viewers want to see, as well as if they want to know more about whether specific brands are cruelty free or not