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Analysis by Mind Map: Analysis

1. General / Attrition

1.1. Age

1.2. Monthly Income

1.3. Years At the Company

1.4. Total Working Years

1.5. Last Promotion

2. Specific

2.1. Gender

2.1.1. Female or Male

2.2. Education Field

2.3. Job Role

2.3.1. Job Roles: How many employees in each Job Role?

2.3.2. Salary by Job Role: What's the average salary by job role?

2.3.3. Attrition by Job Role: What's the attrition percentage by job role? Which job role has the highest attrition rate? Which has the lowest?

2.3.4. Years with Current Manager What's the average satisfaction rate by the status of the manager? Are recently hired managers providinga higher job satisfaction to employees?

2.4. Department

2.4.1. Highest Department Age Monthly Income What is the average monthly income by department? Are there any significant differences between individuals who quit and didn't quit? Training Total Working Years Last Promotion

2.5. Martial Status

2.5.1. Highet Status

2.6. Business Travel

2.6.1. Highest group