Differentiating Lesson Plans
by Olga Gorelaya
1. Differentiated instruction is the practice of modifying and adapting instruction, materials, content, student projects and products, and assessment to meet the learning needs of individual students.
2. Why is it important? Differentiated instruction excites the brilliant student to uncover deeper layers of learning, while simultaneously structuring curriculum to support lower level students or students with learning disabilities- both identified and unidentified.
3. Learner #1 Isabella -Not very social; -Feels uncomfortable when surrounded by students who are not her friends; -Weak writing skills; -Not very experienced dancer but enjoys the class; -Participates in the after school MS musical, which indicates that she is into performing arts; -She takes longer to process my instructions than the rest of the class; -Asks a lot of questions (usually the ones I've just answered);
3.1. Strategy # 1 She will be given written instructions. After I have given oral instructions to the rest of the class, and she has time to process the written instructions, I will work with her individually.
3.2. Strategy # 2 The Use of the Technology Isabella will record and upload her dance routine by using an iPad. She will be able to replay this dance routine as many times as needed. Also, she will use a collaborative google doc to record criteria and collaborate on them with other group members.
4. Learner # 2 Olivia -Very social -Loves being active (takes gymnastics after school and she is one of the MS Dance Team captains) -Students love working in the same group with her -She participates actively and encourages others to participate -Her projects, presentations and written work are always done to perfection - Interested in trying new stuff in the class -One of the top students in the class (not only because of her dance skills, but also because of her interpersonal skills); -Has no problem connecting with kids around her.
4.1. Strategy # 1 I will pair Olivia up with a weaker student (eg. Isabella) and ask her to reteach some of the content from the unit. (Eg. How to establish criteria for analyzing a dance routine?) It will give her a chance to understand the material much deeper while providing a struggling student with a peer instructor.
4.2. Strategy # 2 The Use of the Technology Olivia could be considered as an advanced dancer and she will really benefit from working with the "CoachEye" App on the iPad. It gives an athlete (or in this case a dancer ) the option to pause or slow down a certain part of the performance for better analysis. This app also allows students to draw lines or shapes over the video as well as compare to another video. She will upload her performance and a performance of the other group and use this app for a deeper analysis and feedback.
5. Objective: By the end of the unit students will be able to evaluate their own work and the work of others.