Educational Learning Strageties

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Educational Learning Strageties by Mind Map: Educational Learning Strageties

1. Textbook Reading

1.1. Highlighting

1.2. Sticky notes identifying main ideas

1.3. Margin Notes

1.4. Paragraph Numbering

1.5. Summary

1.6. Key Vocabulary

1.7. 10 Most Important Sentences

1.8. Annotating

1.9. Note Taking

1.10. Group discussion and share out

2. Get to Know Me

2.1. Name-tags

2.2. Questionaires

2.3. Ice breakers

2.4. Quick Write

2.5. Mind mapping

2.6. Songs and Chants

2.7. All about me days

2.8. Think/Pair/Share

3. Knowledge Checks

3.1. Practice tests

3.2. Homework

3.3. In-class worksheets

3.4. Flow Chart

3.5. Summary

3.6. K-W-L Chart

3.7. Ticket In/Out

3.8. Quizzes

3.9. Interactive Notebook

3.10. Murals

3.11. Group comparison and share out

4. Vocabulary

4.1. Flash cards

4.2. Define

4.3. Word Walls

4.4. Practice Quizzes

4.5. Charts

4.6. Games

4.7. Word Wheel

4.8. Group review

4.9. Practice timed tests

5. Content

5.1. Create time lines

5.2. K-W-L Charts

5.3. Big Books

5.4. Think/Pair/Share

5.5. Timelines

5.6. Speed dating

5.7. Poster presentations

5.8. Color coding

5.9. Jigsaw Reading

6. Lecture

6.1. Video examples

6.2. Guided notes

6.3. Group discussion

6.4. Active participation

6.5. Key Questions

6.6. Graphic organizers

6.7. Highlighted key concepts

6.8. Summary

6.9. PowerPoint