Lost Pets of Arizona

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Lost Pets of Arizona by Mind Map: Lost Pets of Arizona

1. Contact

1.1. This page will have my basic contact information like phone number and email address.

1.1.1. Google Form: I will create a Google Form that will allow people to submit any general questions online.

2. Advice

2.1. This page will be about what to do when an owner loses their pet. Where to look, who to contact, and what to do.

2.1.1. Graphic Design and QR Codes: I will create a handout/flyer of some information of how-to's when a person has lost their pet.

3. Report Lost Pet

3.1. This page will allow people to submit information on their lost pets.

3.1.1. Google Form: I will create a Google Form that will allow people to submit information and photos of their lost pets so they can be uploaded to our website.

4. Success Stories

4.1. This page will be a blog type page where pet owners who lost their pets and used our website to find information and ended up with a happy ending of finding their pet.

4.1.1. Social Media: I will create a blog that will allow people to post their success stories/pictures/videos to our website

5. Tagline: Helping Arizona find their furry family members since 2017.

6. Home

6.1. This page will have a small summary of what the purpose of this website is.

6.1.1. Graphic Design and QR Code: I will create a flyer that will have a small summary of what the website is about and photos of pets.

7. About

7.1. This page will be a short summary of who I am and why I created this website about finding lost pets.

7.1.1. Graphic Design and QR Code: I will create a handout that will tell a little about myself as the creator of the website and anyone else who helps with the website.

7.1.2. Screencast Presentation: I will create a screencast presentation on how to navigate the website.