Weapons used in WW1

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Weapons used in WW1 por Mind Map: Weapons used in WW1

1. Poison gas

1.1. chlorine

1.1.1. Used 1st by Germans in Ypres 1995

1.1.2. Burning throat and chest feeling Painful death Suffocation

1.1.3. Wind needs to or in the right direction or it kills the firing alliance!

1.2. musterd

1.2.1. deadliest

1.2.2. fired into trenches by shells

1.2.3. colourless

1.2.4. takes 12 hours to take effect blistering skin vomiting sore eyes internal & external bleeding death takes up to 5 days

2. Tanks

2.1. first model

2.1.1. 3 mph

2.1.2. first used at The Battle of Somme

2.1.3. first tank called 'Little Willie'

2.1.4. could not cross trenches

2.2. newer model

2.2.1. developed close to the end of the war

2.2.2. could fit 10 people

2.2.3. reach 4 mph

2.2.4. has a revolving turret

3. Zepplin/Blimp

3.1. carried machine guns + bombs

3.2. easy to detect

3.2.1. easy to shoot down

3.3. abandoned close to start of WW1

4. Torpedoes

4.1. used by submarines

4.1.1. used to blow up supply ships one sank the 'Lustiana', enraging Americans caused America to join war on side of the 'Allied Powers'. May 1st 1915 lost 1195 lives

5. Sources

5.1. http://www.historyonthenet.com/WW1/weapons.htm

5.2. http://www.historynet.com/weapons-of-world-war-i.htm

6. Rifle

6.1. Main weapon used

6.2. 15 rounds shot per min

6.3. 1400m distance

7. Machine gun

7.1. 4-6 men needed

7.2. Flat surface needed

7.3. 1 Machine gun = 100 rifles/guns

7.4. Large field guns

7.4.1. Large field guns need more people

7.4.2. Fires shells

7.4.3. Devastating to enemies

7.5. Long range

8. Planes

8.1. 1st used to carry materials/spies

8.1.1. next fighter planes carries guns/bombs some carried cannons dogfights

9. Flamethrowers

9.1. Feb 26, 1995

9.2. used by Germans

9.2.1. Also used by Britain + France, but they did not use them much

10. Mortars

10.1. advanced compared to earlier designs

10.2. first design by Britain

10.2.1. could fire 22 3-inch shells range of 1200m

10.2.2. also used by Germans fired shells loaded with metal bars