the expulsion of the acadians

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the expulsion of the acadians by Mind Map: the expulsion of the acadians

1. the british thought the acadians were a threat to them

2. some of their families were torn apart

3. the acadians did not except loyalty

4. the acadians came back after a couple of years

5. They were kicked out because the british thought they were a threat to the British security

6. The British asked the Acadians to sign an agreement that stated that if there was ever to be a war between the British and The French, the acadians would fight against the French but of course the Acadians refused

7. my question i am answering is did british north america ultimately progress as a result of your topic. ht other question is consider the conflicts and challenges of the 1700's

8. The acadians were french speaking farmers that lived on british a land.

9. the acadians lost their houses

10. the british burned down the acadians houses

11. Their homes and their farms were burnt down so that they would have no reason to come back.

12. the acadians had to leave so nothing else happens

13. The acadians were forced out of their homes