Structures & Forces

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Structures & Forces by Mind Map: Structures & Forces

1. Types of Structures

1.1. Shell Structure

1.1.1. Shell structures are mostly strong, hollow. They use very little material in their construction. Which means they are mostly light for there size.

1.2. Solid Structure

1.2.1. Solid Structures are commonly solid all the way through. Despite mountains might have caves and dams may have rooms. A Solid Structure weighs more than a Shell Structure.

1.3. Frame Structure

1.3.1. Frame Structures are constructed of parts fastened together.

1.4. Combination Structure

1.4.1. Combination Structures are usually a combination of a shell,frame, and a solid structure.

2. Types of Forces

2.1. Internal Forces

2.1.1. Compression the action of compressing or being compressed.

2.1.2. Shear a strain in the structure of a substance produced by pressure, when its layers are laterally shifted in relation to each other.

2.1.3. Torsion the action of twisting or being twisted, especially of one end of an object relative to the other.

2.1.4. Tension A force that stretches apart to lengthen or elongate.

2.2. External Forces

2.2.1. Gravity A force that pull things back down. It does that to anything all the time.

2.2.2. Load The sum of the static and dynamic loads. Static Load Dead Load Live Load Dynamic Load