Pedagogical Models and Frameworks

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Pedagogical Models and Frameworks by Mind Map: Pedagogical Models and Frameworks

1. Coversational Framework

1.1. Interaction

1.1.1. Teacher

1.1.2. Student

2. Community of Inquiry Framework

2.1. Social presence

2.2. Teaching presence

2.3. Cognitive presence

3. Constructivist Learning Environments

3.1. Active and manipulate

3.2. Constructive and reflective

3.3. Intentional

3.4. Authentic

3.5. Cooperative

4. The n-Quire Framework

4.1. Learning context

4.1.1. Formal

4.1.2. Non- formal

4.1.3. Informal

5. Merrill´s principles

5.1. Demonstration

5.2. Application

5.3. Task- Centred

5.4. Integration

6. A transaction model of direct instruction

6.1. Presentation

6.2. Practice

6.3. Assessment and evaluation

6.4. Monitoring and feedback

7. Kolb´s learning cycle

7.1. Experience

7.2. Reflection

7.3. Abstraction

7.4. Experimentation

8. Perspectives

8.1. Asociative

8.1.1. Behaviour modification

8.2. Cognitive

8.2.1. Transformation in internal cognitive structure

8.3. Situative

8.3.1. Learning as social participation