1. formative
1.1. 1 Discription
1.1.1. Using information gleaned throughout the day to shape and improve further instruction.
1.2. 2 Purpose
1.2.1. To help a teacher know where everyone stands.
1.3. 3 Examples
1.3.1. Having students write answers on whiteboards and show them to the teacher.
1.4. 4 Pros:
1.4.1. Allows the teacher to shape curriculum in real time. Much lower stakes than summative assessments. Gives students timely feedback. Low stakes.
1.5. 5 Cons:
1.5.1. Hard to track in terms of data
1.6. 6 , of,for*,
2. summative
2.1. 1 Discription
2.1.1. A test at the end of a series of lessons.
2.2. 2 Purpose
2.2.1. To determine the effectiveness of the calls, unit, semester curriculum etc.
2.3. 3 Examples
2.3.1. In Tulare County in May, most children are tested on skills that they should have learned.
2.4. 4 Pros:
2.4.1. Gives a sense of closure to a unit. Easier for stakeholders to track and interpret than a project or series of assignments.
2.5. 5 Cons:
2.5.1. Students may have forgotten details. If it is a test, students that don't test well may be at a disadvantage.
2.6. 6 Of*,for ,
3. performance-based
3.1. 1 Discription
3.1.1. An assessment where a skill is demonstrated or a product is created that shows mastery (or lack of) of learning objectives.
3.2. 2 Purpose
3.2.1. To give a palpable display of learning.
3.3. 3 Examples
3.3.1. Students create a poster or give a presentation rather than take a multiple choice or fill in the blanks test.
3.4. 4 Pros:
3.4.1. Gives dirrect evidence that a student knows the content rather than being able to guess the right answer out of four or cram information that they will soon forget.
3.5. 5 Cons:
3.5.1. Often subject to subjective interpretation. Uses more time.
3.6. 6 Of*, for*,
4. high-stakes
4.1. 1 Discription
4.1.1. Tests that help make important decisions about students and their educators.
4.2. 2 Purpose
4.2.1. To place students in the right university, to determine if a school or teacher is performing well. To make life easier for universities in East Asia by putting the burden on the student for his education before and after the test.
4.3. 3 Examples
4.3.1. The examination for Yokohama City University. Students that pass and enter have already put a lot of effort into their education. By restricting who can get in, YCU gets the prestige of having 'talented' students without the need to make them talented.
4.4. 4 Pros:
4.4.1. Motivates students and educators as the results will have a large impact.
4.5. 5 Cons:
4.5.1. Students study for the test;not the meaning of what it covers. Puts extraordinary unnecessary pressure on students who could prove their abilities through lower stakes assessments. Judges students with numerous abilities by the same meter.
4.6. 6 Of*, for,
5. portfolio
5.1. 1 Discription
5.1.1. Keeps track of a student's progress over a length of time.
5.2. 2 Purpose
5.2.1. To get a clearer picture of student achievement through a set of artifacts that display a students ability and learning over time.
5.3. 3 Examples
5.3.1. In my classes, all of the assignments are arranged in Moodle. Moodle divides up a semester into weeks or units. All of their assignments are kept track of through what they have done. If I click on a particular student, i can see all they have done that semester.
5.4. 4 Pros:
5.4.1. A student can see how much progress they have made. More accurate assessments can be made with a bigger sample of data.
5.5. 5 Cons:
5.5.1. For younger students, it may be difficult to keep track of artifacts. Portfolios do not offer a summary or condensed account of a students progress.
5.6. 6 Of*, for*,
6. diagnostic
6.1. 1 Discription
6.1.1. Often called a pretest. It helps educators know where each student stands at the beginning of a unit or class.
6.2. 2 Purpose
6.2.1. To help teachers make informed decisions about what to include in the curriculum. To avoid wasting time on content that the students have already mastered.
6.3. 3 Examples
6.3.1. Every semester, I give my students a grammar diagnostic test from the text book company so I can skip the chapters with content my students know and focus on what they need to learn.
6.4. 4 Pros:
6.4.1. Diagnostic tests can help a teacher zero in on what exactly his students need to learn.
6.5. 5 Cons:
6.5.1. Not much! Some students don't want to sacrifice lesson time for diagnostic tests.
6.6. 6 Of* for*,
7. authentic Asssesment
7.1. 1 Discription: Ongoing part of learning through life.
7.2. 2 Purpose: Must perform tasks that are related to real world situarions
7.3. 3 Examples: Keeping a journal. Writing about current events
7.4. 4 Pros:
7.4.1. The criteria and purpose of the assessment are obvious. Less susceptibility to washback and to issues related to reliability and validity.
7.5. 5 Cons:
7.5.1. Some results may be subjective or open to interpretation.
7.6. 6 Of*, for*,
8. self-assessment
8.1. 1 Discription:
8.1.1. Asking students to evaluate their own performance.
8.2. 2 Purpose
8.2.1. To let students judge for themselves what they need to accomplish.
8.3. 3 Examples
8.3.1. A rubric that students can check for themselves.
8.4. 4 Pros:
8.4.1. Students who are mature enough can tacke control of their own learning.
8.5. 5 Cons:
8.5.1. Students are often to hard or easy on themselves. In my case, they are usually over critical.
8.6. 6 Of*, for*,
9. peer assessment
9.1. 1 Discription
9.1.1. Students assess each other
9.2. 2 Purpose
9.2.1. To give students feedback from a larger group that doesn't usually involve the teacher.
9.3. 3 Examples
9.3.1. I often have my students rate each other's presentations. I have them come up with the criteria and let them assess each other.
9.4. 4 Pros:
9.4.1. Students can get a feeling of what is exemplary from watching each other. Feedback can be instant as the teacher doesn't need to assess large numbers of students.
9.5. 5 Cons:
9.5.1. Students can be hard on each other. Could become a popularity contest.