Research Plan
by Alexandru SEMIONOV
1. What information will I put in my app?
1.1. Before I actually make my app, I actually need to know what to put in it for it to be useful and inspiring.
1.1.1. Primary Research Will interview Mr. Smith
2. What are the requirements for the app?
2.1. An important step to doing the app is UNDERSTANDING WHAT IT WILL HAVE. I need to find out the reason and the required content for the app. This would include buttons, scceens, or whatever needed.
3. What are the basics of App Inventor?
3.1. I need to figure out how to use app inventor. Without knowing how to use it, I obviously am not able to make the app.
3.2. Secondary Research
3.2.1. I will be going on websites like to learn how to use the app.
4. How can I use ListPickers in AI2?
4.1. The ListPicker is an awesome feature. It allows you to make cool menus. If I could learn how to use it, my app could not only be simpler to use but also would include more unique aspects.
4.1.1. Secondary Research A quick search on Google will do
5. Priorities
5.1. Highest
5.2. High
5.3. Medium
5.4. Low
5.5. Lower
5.6. You get it
6. How do I make floating bubbles in MindMieister
6.1. I need this skill to make the priority list for this research plan. If I do not have it I will get a bad grade
6.1.1. Secondary Research Google and MindMeister FAQ