Appalachian Trail Project

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Appalachian Trail Project by Mind Map: Appalachian Trail Project

1. Getting in touch

1.1. Ask the conservancy where they most need donations

1.2. Ask permission to hike trail

2. Get the word out there

2.1. Call sponsors

2.2. Meet sponsors in person

3. Route

3.1. Hike a small portion of the official Appalachian trail

3.2. Southern part of PA trail

4. Materials

4.1. Here's a list of materials needed:

4.2. Backpack

4.3. Water purification system

4.4. Hiking tent

4.5. Cooking Set

4.6. Freeze-Dried food

4.7. Many other hiking needs

4.8. sponsers

5. Donations

5.1. Monetary

5.2. Helpful to natural sorroundings