How can I reduce annual dog expenses?

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How can I reduce annual dog expenses? by Mind Map: How can I reduce annual dog expenses?

1. Vet Bills

1.1. How much does health insurance cost on average for a dog yearly?

1.2. What are the most common injuries/illnesses for a dog?

1.3. What kinds of immunisations do dogs get?

1.4. What are the most common foods that make dogs sick?

1.5. What diseases can dogs get from fleas?

2. Dog Equipment

2.1. How much does a leash and collar cost?

2.2. What size food bowls do small/large dogs need?

2.3. What kinds of dog beds are washing machine safe?

2.4. What is the strongest material for dog beds?

2.5. How much do food storages cost?

3. Dog Food

3.1. How much dog food does a small/large dog eat in a day?

3.2. What is the most popular brand of dog food?

3.3. What are the healthiest ingredients in dog foods?

3.4. How much does ( amount of food ) cost?

3.5. What ingredients are harmful to dogs?

4. Dog Toys/Treats

4.1. How many toys do dogs ruin on average per year?

4.2. How many treats do dogs consume annually?

4.3. Do dogs like certain toys better than others; what kinds?

4.4. What are the most popular dog treats in the U.S.?