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Candy Meds by Mind Map: Candy Meds

1. Essential Oils(L)

1.1. What do each oil do?

1.2. What Kinds of oils are there?

1.3. what oils are used for what sickness and which would taste good?

1.4. What Sicknesses can we cure?

1.5. Can we help with emotions?

2. favorite hard candy flavors for different ages(D)

2.1. Are some oils dangerous for certain ages?

2.2. Will some be restricted for adults because of stronger oils?

3. How Long Does it Last(L)

3.1. Serving Sizes Per Certain Amount Of Time

4. Overdose(D)

4.1. can you overdose

4.2. side effects of overdosing

5. Where Do We Make Them?(L)

5.1. What house?

5.2. What equipment?

5.3. What Materials?

6. Serving Size (D)

6.1. how much should you take

6.2. how big should each candy be

6.3. Should amount be based an height and weight