Multimedia Applications in Education (ETCV530) Lauren Gaub

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Multimedia Applications in Education (ETCV530) Lauren Gaub by Mind Map: Multimedia Applications in Education (ETCV530) Lauren Gaub

1. Expressing Understanding

1.1. Build an infographic

1.2. My Topic: Scrum, an Agile framework for completing complex projects

1.3. Reflect

2. Protecting Your Digital Tattoo

2.1. Review resources online

2.2. Policy Statements

2.3. Netiquette

2.4. Digital Citizenship

2.5. Online Safety

2.6. Online Communities

3. Creating Your Digital Toolbox

3.1. Osmosis

3.2. Trello

3.3. Visible Body

3.4. Anki

4. Problem-Based Learning

4.1. PBL for Project Managers/Business Analysts

4.2. Prototyping

4.3. Documenting Requirements

4.4. Working with Stakeholders

4.5. Prioritizing

4.6. Drafting Communications/Status Updates

5. Creativity Revisited

5.1. Blood Flow

5.2. Infographic

5.3. Express Understanding

5.4. Students can be creative!

6. I've Been Thinking

6.1. Video Creation (Forrest)

6.2. Digital Literacy & Skills (Monique)

6.3. Digital Apps (Andrea)

6.4. Software Training (Fern)

6.5. Google Earth (Dave)

6.6. Coding in the Curriculum (Lauren)

6.7. Animated Case Studies (Klaudia)

6.8. STEM Projects (Maribel)

6.9. Parental Involvement/Communication (Jose)

7. Keeping Current

7.1. RSS Feed - Feedly

7.1.1. Medicine

7.1.2. Project Management

7.1.3. Higher Education

7.2. Keeping up to date with latest news

7.3. Review/Reflect

8. Encouraging Creativity

8.1. Kids are not afraid to be "wrong"

8.2. Talent is diverse

8.3. Need to encourage creativity

8.4. Need to value creative disciplines

8.5. Concept Map (Lesson Idea) for Endocrine Hormones

9. Organizing Understanding

9.1. This mind map!

9.2. Organizing ideas

9.3. Update throughout the course!