racism in australia

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racism in australia by Mind Map: racism in australia

1. the stolen generation

1.1. some children were half white which was not seen as right

1.1.1. they were taken to institutions to become "white"

1.2. 50 000 kids were taken between 1910 and 1970

1.2.1. took them far away from their original land and families the children had no contact with their families at all

1.2.2. many were traumatised due to them being taken away from there families

1.2.3. the people were starting to die out due to the children not living on in their own culture

1.2.4. the people who are left are sick and injured

1.3. the people who are left

1.3.1. they are sick and injured diseases that haven't been seen in many years

1.3.2. suicide is common

1.3.3. they are not getting an education

1.3.4. living on welfare which is not very good they are living in poverty

2. the consequences of racism

2.1. the government promised to protect and help but they never have

2.2. the people can't go back since the natural environment has been ruined

2.3. the people have tried to fit in but they cant

2.3.1. they don't understand the language can't read and write can't get a job

2.3.2. the school system doesn't work people can't get jobs

2.4. kids are sniffing petrol to get a high and escape the hardships

2.5. treated worse than criminals

3. life before the europeans arrived

3.1. the aborigines before the europeans came

3.1.1. in australia for 40 000 - 60 000 years one of the oldest cultures on earth

3.1.2. originally from south-east asia

3.1.3. estimated to have between 300 000 to 1 million inhabitants before europeans in

3.1.4. about 500 tribes own language, own territory

3.1.5. they were hunter gatherers no suitable animals to herd

3.2. came from the dessert

3.2.1. they lived as one with nature didn't wear clothes careful not to take too much as it would prevent it from growing back

3.3. their traditions were important to preserve the culture

3.3.1. "everything is already created in a perfect state"

3.4. free will was natural

3.4.1. didn't have a permanent home they were always on the move

4. first europeans in austarlia

4.1. the children were taken away from their families including the nature

4.1.1. the nature was like family to them

4.2. the government took away the kanyini: the four pillars of oneself from the people

4.2.1. family

4.2.2. spirit/beleif

4.2.3. land

4.2.4. soul

4.3. forced to change their culture and religion

4.4. seen as animals and it was ok to kill them

4.4.1. they were different and knew the way of the land

4.5. they took the land from the people since there was no "rightful" owner

4.5.1. fenced off the hunting grounds of the people

4.6. they changed the land

4.6.1. they brought in cattle and horses which disrupted the balance

4.7. the female were both killed and raped

4.7.1. the men fought back but were over powered and many lost their lives the people died out the animals moved away from the lands people stared to steal from the farms due to a lack of food