Communication Tools

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Communication Tools by Mind Map: Communication Tools

1. Selected Presentations to Intro Ouishare

2. Tools

2.1. Trello

2.2. Slack

2.3. Loomio

2.4. Co-budget

2.5. Hangouts

2.6. Automating Tasks with Zapier and Airtable

3. Promoting Events

3.1. Adding the event on OuiShare Website

3.2. Creating and Event like Eventbrite

3.2.1. Ticketing Tool / Event Platforms

3.3. Sched

3.3.1. Publish the Programme using SCHED

3.3.2. Examples Rethink & Remix - Future of Work Barcelona

3.4. Communication Guide for a community event

3.4.1. Brochure The Pass from The Camp [2019]

3.5. Communications with the press

3.6. Comms Kit Template

3.6.1. Comm Kit from School of System Change

4. Other tools

4.1. Design Resources

4.2. Communication Metrics

4.3. Master Documents

5. Branding

6. Content Marketing

6.1. Communication Channels

6.1.1. Social Media Recommendations for OS Social Media

6.1.2. Newsletter

6.1.3. Using the Website Adding an event

6.2. How to boost posts on Facebook

6.3. Guidance to Write Articles

6.4. Designing an article for the Ouishare Magazine

6.5. Contribuer au Magazine Ouishare

7. Brand Book

8. Profile Pics from Munich

9. People Bios and CVs

10. Website

10.1. How to use the website

11. Service Provider / Contractor contacts