Angela Rimany 1998-present

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Angela Rimany 1998-present by Mind Map: Angela Rimany 1998-present

1. Education

1.1. Was an honor student and received exemplary grades all through grade school

1.2. Graduated North Fort Myers High School with a 5.13 gpa

1.3. Attending University of Central Florida, majoring in Elementary Education

2. Personal Interests

2.1. Disney World is her favorite place on earth

2.2. She loves doing make up in her spare time

2.3. Spending time in the pool or at the beach makes Angela very happy

3. Fun Facts

3.1. Scuba Diving certified since the age of 10

3.2. Owns a 2013 Red Kia Soul

3.3. Has 3 tattoos and 4 piercings

4. Childhood

4.1. Born in Carmel New York on June 8th, 1998

4.2. Moved to Cape Coral, Florida at the age of four

4.3. Did Girl Scouts up until the fifth grade