Changes to existing process

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Changes to existing process by Mind Map: Changes to existing process

1. Training faculty

1.1. Principal

1.2. Internal/External faculty

1.3. Train the internal faculty

2. Training Module

2.1. For each and every product

2.2. For all principals

2.3. Design the training module

2.3.1. Duration of training

2.3.2. Training tool - presentation, videos, demos

2.3.3. Techno-commercial situations

2.3.4. FAQs

2.3.5. Factory/field visit

2.3.6. On the job training

2.3.7. Tests

3. Training evaluation

3.1. Training appraisal - Monthy

3.2. All field sales/service personnel

3.3. HoD to evaluate the field performance

3.4. Identify re-training needs