Me, after 10 years

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Me, after 10 years by Mind Map: Me, after 10 years

1. Family

2. Experiences

3. Religious life

4. Running own busines

5. good relationship with God

6. attend mass twice a week

7. set God as my first priority

8. went to historical sites on every country i would go

9. live with my parents

10. bought a house for my parents

11. support my younger sister in schooling

12. Education

13. Career

14. Health

15. receive best entrepreneur awards

16. have more than 3 branch of my business

17. graduate with bachelors degree in business administration

18. graduated from Lyceum of the Philippine University

19. receive a GPA 1.50 (of 1.00)

20. receive check-up every month

21. have exercise everyday

22. have a good physical,emotional, and mental condition

23. travel around the world with my family

24. learn new languages